Friday, March 10, 2017

Hypocrisy in Politics: Giving Credit Thats Not Due.

            On March 10th 2017 Jay Caruso, a blogger on Red State posted a blog “StopCrediting Trump for Good Economic News Where He Had No Role”. Addressed to both Republicans and Democrats, who’s bias is shown weather for Trump or Obama by giving credit to either president for something they had no control over. Jay Caruso a font page contributor for multiple blogs Including Red State, Opportunity Lives and Caruso, argues that both parties have hypocrisy whether it’s the Democrats giving credit to Obama for good economic growth with no evidence or the Republicans giving Trump Credit for economic growth after being in office just for eleven days. Moreover, he even shows Trump himself doesn’t even put much faith in U.S. jobs report numbers, in a Bloomberg post Trump said U.S. jobs report “Are phony anyway”. Caruso also points out that cyclical economy, booming energy and technology did more for economic growth than Obama. But now the same Republicans that called out Obama for taking credit for good jobs reports are trying to give credit to Trump for economic growths that are out of his control. His final point, was that Trump and his supporters can’t have it both ways. They can’t say they “Inherited a mess” then take credit for February jobs report, when Trump was only in office for eleven days.

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