Thursday, May 11, 2017

"Gerrymandering Reform" Response.

“GerrymanderingReform” an article by Moving from the Periphery, argues that redistricting by gerrymandering does not offer the citizens the choice of representation but offers the representation the choice of citizens. The main evidence of this in in the 12th district of North Carolina which is only 120 miles long and just 20 miles wide at the widest point. Now this is not the only evidence of this with 48 of 50 states using gerrymandering for redistricting, with only two states using independent redistricting. Moreover, the solution to gerrymandering problem is for all states to use independent companies for redistricting which will give the choice back to the people.
            The main argument being made I feel is correct, with gerrymandering we create partisanship districts and disenfranchise those outside of these districts the ones living in poverty. Gerrymandering is continuing to separate the rights and the lefts instead of created mixed districts to help bring the two sides together and evolve our democracy to a middle ground and further our country.