Thursday, May 11, 2017

"Gerrymandering Reform" Response.

“GerrymanderingReform” an article by Moving from the Periphery, argues that redistricting by gerrymandering does not offer the citizens the choice of representation but offers the representation the choice of citizens. The main evidence of this in in the 12th district of North Carolina which is only 120 miles long and just 20 miles wide at the widest point. Now this is not the only evidence of this with 48 of 50 states using gerrymandering for redistricting, with only two states using independent redistricting. Moreover, the solution to gerrymandering problem is for all states to use independent companies for redistricting which will give the choice back to the people.
            The main argument being made I feel is correct, with gerrymandering we create partisanship districts and disenfranchise those outside of these districts the ones living in poverty. Gerrymandering is continuing to separate the rights and the lefts instead of created mixed districts to help bring the two sides together and evolve our democracy to a middle ground and further our country.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Tax Reform: The Rich get Richer

            Let’s make America great again, what does that mean? I would say that the idea of making America great again is in the eye of the beholder. Unfortunately, the beholder is President Trump and the rich corporations that run the country. The recent tax plan proposed by the Trump administration for tax reform, is a reform to benefit the one percent of Americans the people and corporations that own this country and President Trump is one of them. With this lopsided plan, the one percent benefits with corporation tax cuts, high earner tax cuts and investment income tax cuts.
            First, the corporation tax cuts sound great in theory but when you cut the top end of taxes from 35% to 15%. The main problem with this is how to pay for it? Well Trump’s administration suggest that these cuts would cause an economic growth of 3% however even with this growth the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center says the cuts would cost more than 2 trillion over a ten-year span. Second, high income earners taxes will be cut from 39.6% to 35%. It also eliminates the alternative minimum tax, which is a 3.8% tax on investment income that helps inforce the wealthy to pay at least some taxes. Trump also created a big loophole with the corporation tax cut to 15% it would allow high earners to pass their incomer through an LLC and just pay the Corporation tax of 15% instead of the high earner tax of 35%. Moreover, Trump’s tax plan give an increase of 14% in after-tax income to the top one percent, compared to just a 1.2% to 1.8% increase for the middle class.

            In the end, you can find positive out of Trumps tax plan but there minute compared to the benefits he and the rich would receive if this plan was to pass. Also, it would sky rocket our debt an additional 7 trillion in the first ten years and 21 trillion by 2036. With a plan, so lopsided I do not feel it will pass, but I do believe it an ask for the world approach just to see how much you can get away with. But to have a tax plan that mainly benefits the man making the plan shouldn’t sit right on the American mind.

Friday, April 14, 2017

A Non Marijuana User's Take On US Gov: Mary Jane and Me:

            On March 30, 2017 Love Administration blogged “US Gov: Mary Jane and Me”. In Which he states his main arguments for legalizing marijuana. His first argument was that people with higher cognitive activity were more likely to use marijuana base off of a study done in England. The second reason was ADHD medicine are legal but are mostly meth and cocaine, also have issues with causing loss of appetite and insomnia. However, he pointed out that there are strains of marijuana that offer the same benefits as the ADHD medicine without the side effects. His final point was that making marijuana legal would do two things. One it would boost each state’s economy just like it has done for Colorado. The second was that with making marijuana legal it would stop the use of hard drugs, because they would have a legal way to escape.

            Now I agree with most of the blogs point, I do believe that we need to go ahead and make marijuana legal. It would boost the economy and help with tax revenue, it is a great self-medication to help with inflammations and anxiety issues. Overall I also feel marijuana is less dangerous than alcohol. Now the only issue I had with the blog is the statement that if marijuana was legal it would stop the use of harder drugs. I find this to be an impossible statement because there are people who abuse other drugs like molly, coke and meth that don’t even use marijuana. I feel harder drugs will always be used because there are people out there who want bigger and longer highs and whether marijuana is legal or not that will not change. But like I stated before I do agree with and believe one day every state will make marijuana legal.